115: Setting and Moving Your 2023 Goals Forward
Goals over Resolutions
Have you already set your 2023 goals or what many people refer to as resolutions? We honestly LOVE to call them goals around here though because well, that’s what they are! Goals are tasks or just something you ARE going to achieve but it takes work, dedication and time to achieve them. RIGHT?? It doesn’t need to be the beginning of a new year to set goals and they don’t need to be something that you intend to achieve by the end of the year either. So a little more about YOUR goals… and to be more specific, what are some of your personal real estate goals? Doesn’t have to be something you need to make happen by the end of the year but what are some real estate goals you intend to ACHIEVE over the next few years? In today’s podcast, Lori shares from her own personal experience and her personal goals she intends to achieve. Keep in mind like we mentioned in the begining, these goals you are setting for yourself to achieve DOESN’T HAVE to happen in this year alone. Work towards achieving those goals in some way to move yourself forward and PLAN to achieve those goals in some type of timeline.
A few suggestions from Lori to move your goals forward starting NOW:
1. Write them down -> in a notebook, on a vision board… in your planner. Just somewhere where you can hold yourself accountable. INCLUDE dates and a timeline too!
2. Pick a few areas in your life that you want to move forward: We like to use F.O.R.D (family, occupation, recreation and dreams) as a starting place.
3, Reflect at least once a month to see if you are moving your goals forward
If you are looking for some suggestions to reflect on and make some of your own personal goals, tune in and check out our IG page to hear what some of Lori’s agents share as well!
Lori also talks a lot about this article where Dave Ramsey shares 7 types of goals so if you are looking for some more suggestions definitely give this a read.
Tune in to hear all about it! (Links to the episode below)
See You next week for a new episode!
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- Agent 4
- Airbnb 1
- Buy and Sell Real Estate 17
- Buyer 43
- Buyer Agent 1
- Buying 23
- Buying young 2
- California real estate 22
- California real estate market 4
- Career 9
- Community 11
- Dave Ramsey 3
- Eco-friendly 1
- FSBO 1
- Family 6
- Financial Planning 7
- Goal Setting 15
- Guest 23
- Holidays 4
- Homeowner 22
- Homeshowings 1
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- Insurance 2
- Investing 13
- Legal 1
- Lender 5
- Market 11
- Market Trends 1
- Market Update 10
- Mindset 28
- Mortgage 6
- Moving to California 6
- Owning Property 1
- Photos 1
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- Real Estate 2023 23
- Real Estate 2025 6
- Real Estate Agent 62
- Real Estate Fraud 1
- Real Estate Questions 1
- Real estate 2023 23
- Realtor 8
- Renting 2
- Safety 4
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- Seller 40
- Selling 23
- Testimonial 1
- The Real Value of a REALTOR 2
Disclaimer: Please verify all information with the licensed professional of your choice.
Something to think about in the new coming year… ‘A fresh start isn’t a new place… It’s a new mindset.”