Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

110: Improving & Leveling Up Your Life with Duane Morrison
Today we had the pleasure of having Mr. Duane Morrison on the podcast, and OH BOY was it a good one. SO much great conversation of the ups and downs he and Lori have had in their professional lives that has led them to where they are today… SO much conversation you really need to just tune in to hear it ALL. So if you are thinking of becoming a business owner or already one and just looking to hear from someone who has had some BIG success in entrepreneurship… well then be sure to tune into Episode 110 to hear it all. Duane really shares the knowledge and speaks from experience you don’t want to miss out.

107: Mortgage Deferment: Know your options
“Mortgage relief? Debt forgiveness What are my options?? “
Have you ever wondered about what deferment is and what it does!? Today we have Hasina, one of our ROCKSTAR AGENTS, go over what it’s like to move forward with a deferment. Hasina drops all types of knowledge on us today on this episode so if you want to know the ins and outs listen to this podcast RIGHT NOW

105: Having An Estate Sale
Have you ever heard about an Estate Sale or are you thinking about having one?! Today we have Mr. Craig Burke on the podcast talking about the ins and outs of having an estate sale and what services they offer! Craig goes into an in depth explanation on if you should have an estate sale and why it would be beneficial for you.

104: Having Buyer Or Seller Remorse
Have you ever heard about buyer's remorse or seller's remorse?! Do you know what it is or do you want to know! Well, today we’re diving in and talking about how not to get sellers or buyer's remorse and some steps you can take from stressing yourself out. Lori & Amy both go into depth about when they bought their home and some of the remorse they may or may not have had after acquiring their property.

103: Home Buying & Investing Pt. 2
You may remember in the podcast last week, we talked about buying a house! Well today Lori & Amy continue to share their wisdom and experience on buying a home and what it takes. We are diving in about saving for a house, and some tips on the steps where to start and how to find the right location to buy AND details of the processes; from finding a lender to finally ‘closing day’ on your new home!

101: Next Big Step: Starting College?
Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to graduate from high school and transition into college? That’s a BIG step right?? Well if so… This is the podcast for you! Today we have Jordyn Stotts on the podcast talking about starting your first day of college and what it’s like. Jordyn talks about how she is a hands on person with work and how she wants to pursue crime investigation because of it. Jordyn is a rockstar women that rock and rolls her goals. What is your next BIG step?? Is it starting college? Or is it moving out of state?? Or is it buying your first home?? Tune in today!

100: Taking A Leap of Faith
Have you ever wanted to take on a leadership role or do you need help with change? Well then this is the podcast JUST for you! Today, we have Mr. Jude Charles on the podcast talking about all things change and taking up the leadership role. Jude talks about how his high school teacher launched him into his goals by buying him his first set of business cards! Have you ever had someone in your life that has catapulted you into something that has completely been life changing?? Listen in to hear how Jude’s life was changed!
Mr. Jude says don’t be afraid to share your story and don’t discount your story, when you share your story you can give people courage to achieve their dreams/goals.

099: 1…2… and Take Action with Jude Charles!
Have you ever wanted to take on a leadership role or do you need help with change? Well then this is the podcast JUST for you! Today, we have Mr. Jude Charles on the podcast talking about all things change and taking up the leadership role. Jude talks about how his high school teacher launched him into his goals by buying him his first set of business cards! Have you ever had someone in your life that has catapulted you into something that has completely been life changing?? Listen in to hear how Jude’s life was changed!
Mr. Jude says don’t be afraid to share your story and don’t discount your story, when you share your story you can give people courage to achieve their dreams/goals.

098: Health Is Better Together
Do you want to learn how to release your weight and live a healthier lifestyle? This is the podcast for you! Today we have Mrs. Bridget Seccombe on the pod talking about all things health and cleaning up your GI Tract. Bridget goes into depth about how your health should be a top priority and how to keep yourself on track with it. Bridget is all about helping other people move them towards their health goals, And as she always says, health is better together.
096: Talking Trash & Recycling with Judi Gregory - Zero Waste Director
Have you ever thought about saving the world? Or helping the next generation keep on living! In this episode we talk with Ms. Judi Gregory, who has been in the waste management business for over 25 years, Judi loves talking ”trash” and gives some great tips and tricks you can use to help make the world a better place.

086 Wellness: An Organized Home Starts With You
You have two options. Your house can be sparkly clean or it can have legos all over the floor. And the reality is, both feel like home. Now obviously it's not that simple and it's a spectrum or organized chaos. But here are some actionable steps you can take to get started on decluttering that make you house truly feel like home. So let's get to it and chat with guest Buyers Agent, Hasina Surtee!

083: Mindset: The 4 Truths With Terry Tucker, Cancer Warrior
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional." We've all heard about reinvention stories. But have you heard Terry Tucker's? Terry stands at 6 foot 8 inches, graduate of The Citadel, former SWAT hostage negotiator, Basketball coach, author, cancer survivor, engaging speaker, and more.

081 Testimonial: Surprise Guest, and Past Client, Lauryn Creager!
That cat's out of We're sharing a testimonial today. Our surprise guest has been revealed! We are talking with the amazing, Lauryn Creager. One of our very own, and a voice behind the social media you see for Instagram @LoriAlvarezAndTeamRealtors and beyond. Hear what it's like to sell a home with Lori Alvarez and Team and move out of state!

077 Community: Some of Our Favorite Local Things To Do in San Dimas, California
Guess who is on?? Nolan Alvarez! The third man in the Alvarez son line up, and amazing to supporter to a bunch of awesome women on Lori Alvarez and Team. We're here to talk about what we love to do locally in our favorite city of San Dimas, California when we aren't doing Real Estate!

074: Financial Planning: Being An Intentionally Wealthy Woman with Debra L. Morrison
Financially empowered. Ladies is that how you feel? Yes, we are directing this conversation towards our women listeners. Financial Coach Debra L. Morrison joins us today to bring some awareness to just how capable you are of handling your money. Do you know your "why"? Do you revisit the financial goals you're setting? What about your retirement? Here's some encouragement to get you started thinking.

071 Mortgage Lending: I'm A Veteran, Should I Do A VA Loan?
Today we are fighting for the ones who fought for us, our Veterans. After 25+ years in the business, Tim Harrison, of The HLC Team at Cornerstone Home Lending, knows a little bit about Mortgage Loans. We’re going to cover all things related to a Veteran Affairs Home Loan from how to qualify to what the closing process looks like and all the questions you may have in between.

068: Health: The Inspiring Weight Loss Journey with Influencer Samantha Rawley
She's not just a real estate agent, she's an influencer! Plastics Queen Samantha Rawley has an amazing story to share about her weight loss journey, finding a community, and thriving! Get ready to be inspired to make an impact, and to aspire to inspire others.

066 Mindset: How Thoughts Become Things with Dr. Hank Seitz
What do you tell yourself each day? What do you believe? Dr. Hank Seitz, a Mental Scientist, is here to dive deeper into some practices he loves to teach about how your thoughts can become things. He is the author of 15 best-selling and Quilly Award-Winning Books and has helped Fortune 100 Companies around the world, Entrepreneurs, and anyone who has a desire to be, do and have more! Whether you believe in energy, a higher power, or the Almighty God, take in this inspirational message to start thinking in a different positive way and trust things will come to pass.

063: Goal Setting: Team Dreams and Commitments for 2022
Do you like feeling accomplished? It's never too early to have those goal-setting conversations. Today we have a surprise for you! We had a bunch of guests on from your very own Lori Alvarez and Team today—diving into their hopes and commitments for the year 2022. What's your biggest goal for 2022? Get to thinking!

062: Family Stories: Thanksgiving Traditions and Favorite Moments
Turkey? Ham? Stuffing? Do you even cook? What are your family traditions for Thanksgiving? We're having a fun chat today and reflecting on the Alvarez family traditions for Thanksgiving. What a wonderful season filled with grateful hearts. Enjoy!