Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

137: The Cost Of Waiting In Real Estate
We had the pleasure of having a very special guest on the Real Estate with Soul podcast today. Eric Paul is not new to the real estate world and shares some pretty insightful perspective on investing in real estate in today’s market. We have been talking quite a bit about the market we are in and this is just the cherry on top. Something to really think about, there is NO reason NOT to buy right now. You’ll have to tune in to hear why.

134: All Things in the Real Estate Market Today
What is the ONE thing that can’t be changed in the real estate market? The purchase price! Right now the market is still pretty crazy but not impossible. So whether you are thinking about it, currently leasing, selling or buying, join Lori and Amy and the conversation about this crazy real estate market and that there is hope if you’re getting ready to jump in.

118: For the Love of Real Estate! My House Hasn’t Sold?!
Is your house sitting on the market? Are you having trouble selling your home?? Well… it’s nothing personal but most likely it is the price. YUCK. Who wants to hear that??! Why would a house just sit on the market?? Well today we are talking about what could be the few reasons a home doesn’t sell! Tune in and enjoy the conversation and remember for the love of real estate, all that matters in today’s market is the price and the condition of the home.
090: Homeownership Pt.2!!
Today Lori & Amy are digging in deeper on homeownership and how to save some money on your electricity bill. Amy loves little home projects and creating new things for her home! Lori on the other hand likes to pay someone to do it. But Lori & Amy both love to save as much money as they can on electricity. If you too want to learn how to save electricity or want to know some homeownership tips tune into this episode.
089: National Homeownership Month & what’s going on with the market?
Today Lori & Amy are diving in about home ownership and how the market has taken a turn. Lori talks about how much the market has changed from when she first started which was back in 2007 and Amy is still relatively new she started back in 2016. Both have way different experiences Lori came in when the market crashed and Amy came in when it was at its peak.

081 Testimonial: Surprise Guest, and Past Client, Lauryn Creager!
That cat's out of We're sharing a testimonial today. Our surprise guest has been revealed! We are talking with the amazing, Lauryn Creager. One of our very own, and a voice behind the social media you see for Instagram @LoriAlvarezAndTeamRealtors and beyond. Hear what it's like to sell a home with Lori Alvarez and Team and move out of state!

080 Market: Life Changes, Interest Rates, and Making Offers
Almost 30,000 houses came on the market in the last 30 days. This current market is for the brave. So what's really happening in the real estate market? Is there finally some hope for buyers? Is it still a great time to sell? Let's dive into a conversation.

078 Market: The Cost of Waiting
Highs and lows. We love celebrating our clients! It makes us so happy. But sometimes, we have to walk with our clients through some learning moments. It's a big decision to buy a home. But waiting to buy your home can cost you, and we know first hand. So we're going to share our stories from 2009 and our recent moments in this 2022 market on just HOW MUCH waiting to buy your home can cost you if you wait.

061 The Market: What's The Trend? With Expert Steven Thomas of Reports on Housing
Want to understand the real estate market a bit better? We have Steven Thomas, market expert, and founder of Reports On Housing, ready to share his knowledge of many years with us. Let's find out where Steven believes this market is headed into the next year and common things to look out for.

Episode 56: Mortgage Lending: Investing Strategies for the COVID Market with Mortgage Lender Justin Brown
If you're not sure how to start your investment journey right now, you need to hear this talk. COVID-19 has changed the game, but Justin Brown of New American Funding with 20 years in the mortgage industry and over 41.2K Followers on Instagram (@loansbyjb) he knows a thing a two. Just is here to teach you what investment options are available to break into Real Estate Investing.

Episode 30: The Real Estate Crash or NOT
We love love. We love Real Estate. We love our Real Estate Family. And we love sharing our passion for Real Estate with you. Here's why Lori Alvarez and Amy Cruz love it.