Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

Episode 35: Important Things in Real Estate - Transaction Coordination
There are hundreds of steps, checklists, and to-do's in the Real Estate transaction process. How do you make sure you don't miss something that could get you in trouble? You trust an incredible Transaction Coordinator, like our very own Cathy Alvarez. She's full of wisdom from almost 40 years in the business and she's here to share.

Episode 10: Should I Do A Pre-Listing Home Inspection?
Wondering if you should be doing a Pre-Listing Home Inspection for your home? Find out what a home inspector is looking for when they go through a home and how you can best prepare for one. IN THIS EPISODE join us as Lori and Ian Souden, Owner and Principal Inspector of Fort South Inspection Services, Inc. dive into the experience a buyer or seller will have to complete a home inspection.