Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

136: Real Estate News For You
We have a great episode for you today! Amy and Lori are talking about the real estate news for you and all the interesting things currently happening today. One hot topic going around is the 10 slowest markets today. Not a huge surprise that California was not on this list, but did your state make it? Or could it be a place you might be interested in some property investments. Tune in for some tips and some real estate news

135: Home Maintenance Tips for All Homeowners
Home starts with you and so does maintenance! There is an overwhelming amount of tasks and things to keep up with as a homeowner. So on today’s episode Lori shares her tips on the really important home maintenance tasks that we all need to be practicing. Are you keeping up with some of these home maintenance projects?

130: Will You Be My Real Estate Agent?
How do you go about asking a real estate agent to be.. Well your agent? Lori dives into a great conversation and shares some tips on how to find a great agent but also how to properly ask them to represent you as a buyer, seller or even both! So whether you are buying or selling your home, finding THE agent is such a crucial part of your real estate transaction! Tune in today to hear all about it.

129: The Highs, The Lows and a Big Celebration
Celebrating our one year anniversary with Real Estate Resolved! Lori and Amy do a little reflecting on their years of learning and growing and how they got to today. It has not been an easy road but reflecting the highs and the lows and looking forward to new goals with all of you! Tune in and celebrate with us today!

128: Commercial Workspace and Business Owners in 2023 with Dr. J
Today we had the pleasure of having Dr. J. Lamar Gray on the podcast along with a great conversation around commercial real estate, business owners, especially the SMALL ones and how things may have changed in the year 2023. Are things starting to go back to the way they were before ? Well Tune in to hear how things have shifted and how they can benefit you and your business!

127: Moving Emotions and Relocation Depression with Pierre Broduer
Moving can take a toll on your emotional well being right?! Well on today’s episode we had the pleasure of having Pierre Broduer who is a psychotherapist and author on the Real Estate with Soul, the podcast. We dive in and have the conversation about how tough moving can be really hard especially on mental health. There are signs to look out for and tips you can take to help with dealing with the emotions in general but also anxieties and depression associated with relocation. One tip to leave you with is to know that therapy is there to help you with the process of gently leading you back to yourself.

126: Becoming A Millionaire Real Estate Investor
On this episode of Real Estate with Soul the Podcast Lori and Amy talk millions. Lori shares her BIG WHY in becoming a million dollar investor and the steps to take so you can move your real estate goals forward to become the next millionaire real estate investor.

125: Answering Your Real Estate Questions
Q & A time on the podcast! Lori and Amy dive in and answer some questions you all have been asking! We got Questions about VA loans, how to prepare your home to sell, when to invest and so much more! So tune in!

124: Living with your HOA and Community With Jonathan Cayton
On this episode, we had the pleasure of having Jonathan Clayton who is an attorney with extensive experience with HOA disputes. Living in an HOA community can have its challenges but do the challenges outweigh the benefits? An HOA can be a great thing for your community with plenty of benefits and tons of amenities or it can be a not so great thing and actually be hurtful to your community. Which one do you live in? Tune in for all those details!

123: 10 Steps to Buying a Great Home
Today on Real Estate with Soul, we are discussing the 10 steps of buying a new home. From step 1; saving for a down payment all the way to step 10, which is move in day! Woohoo! But what are the in between steps? What happens after you have your down payment? When do you get to go home shopping? As you can imagine it’s a pretty lengthy process to buy a new home, lots and lots of steps! So tune while we go over all these important steps to buying a new home!

122: The Cost of Buying and Selling Real Estate
What does it REALLY cost to buy or sell real estate these days? One of THE most asked questions to realtors all around the world.
In today’s episode Lori and Amy get into some of the specifics of the cost to the buyer and sellers and what it looks like when it’s broken down. So if you have ever wondered what your closing costs look like after purchasing or selling a home, tune into today’s episode!

121: The Good and the Bad with FHA Loans
There are LOTS of different loans out in today’s world. It is important to understand which loan works best for you. In today’s episode Lori dives into the pros and cons of using an FHA loan and why you may or may not be a good fit for this type of loan. Keep in mind, chatting with a GOOD lender is the MOST important thing you can do to get pre-qualified but tuning into today’s episode might be the next best thing you can do to be prepared to purchase your new home!

119: How to Keep Love in the Home with Family, Life and Marriage
Keeping love in the home can be challenging, especially when life and family come with it. Whether you are just setting out to own your first home, newlyweds or been married for 25 years… keeping love in your home takes a lot of hard work, communication and sacrifice. Amy and Lori have a great conversation about how they keep love in their homes, in their lives and with their families.

118: For the Love of Real Estate! My House Hasn’t Sold?!
Is your house sitting on the market? Are you having trouble selling your home?? Well… it’s nothing personal but most likely it is the price. YUCK. Who wants to hear that??! Why would a house just sit on the market?? Well today we are talking about what could be the few reasons a home doesn’t sell! Tune in and enjoy the conversation and remember for the love of real estate, all that matters in today’s market is the price and the condition of the home.

117: Selling In The Spring: Tips To Stand Out When Selling Your Home
If you have it in your real estate goals for this year and are planning to sell in the Spring, there are a number of things to do to help YOUR home stand out. Today Lori talks about 4 important tips to remember as a seller to make your home top notch and ready for the spring competition. Although she is only talking about 4 important tips there are SO many more to consider.

116: Finances 101 of Profit & Loss As a Business Owner with Christina Springstead
Finances don’t have to be an overwhelming topic! That is exactly what we are talking about today! Are you a business owner? Thinking of owning a business? Do you have an understanding of how your business cash flow works? This episode is JAM packed with so much information for a business owner and the importance of knowing the finances and that the financial foundation has to be solid to allow you to be successful and grow your business. So, don’t be part of the 50% of businesses that go out of business, take the step to understand your finances and today’s podcast can help you take that first step!

115: Setting and Moving Your 2023 Goals Forward
Have you already set your 2023 goals or what many people refer to as resolutions? We honestly LOVE to call them goals around here though because well, that’s what they are! Goals are tasks or just something you ARE going to achieve but it takes work, dedication and time to achieve them. RIGHT?? It doesn’t need to be the beginning of a new year to set goals and they don’t need to be something that you intend to achieve by the end of the year either. So a little more about YOUR goals… and to be more specific, what are some of your personal real estate goals? Doesn’t have to be something you need to make happen by the end of the year but what are some real estate goals you intend to ACHIEVE over the next few years? In today’s podcast, Lori shares from her own personal experience and her personal goals she intends to achieve. Keep in mind like we mentioned in the begining, these goals you are setting for yourself to achieve DOESN’T HAVE to happen in this year alone. Work towards achieving those goals in some way to move yourself forward and PLAN to achieve those goals in some type of timeline.

114: New 2023 Real Estate Mandates
Happy 2023! With the new year, new changes and new goals; did you hear that the department of Real Estate dropped some BIG news!? They passed 10 NEW (California) state laws that affect real estate licensees and applicants. Lori and Amy dive into these mandates a little more in today’s podcast to provide a little clarity in the best way they understand these new laws and are sharing forward their knowledge of them! There are a lot of new changes and a lot to take into consideration when using real estate professionals.
Real Estate really becomes your legacy when you allow it to be that. Home starts with you, as real estate professionals we LOVE to have the opportunity to be a part of that with you.

113: Victor Mackliff | Self Employed or 1099 Employee and the Path To Homeownership
If you are a business owner, 1099 or self-employed, today's episode is JUST for you! We had the pleasure of hosting Victor Mackliff on today’s episode who is easily an expert on today’s topic. You’ll have to tune into the episode to get all the details but a few things to remember; as we walk into 2023, you as a business owner or a 1099 employee and are striving to purchase a home, firstly, you will want to sit down with someone in the industry to help move your home ownership goals forward and be prepared! Secondly, You are NOT exempt from qualifying to purchase that dream home you have been dreaming of!

108: Moving Forward. Think Big. Set Goals.
Have you ever wondered about why you should set goals and why people are so adamant about goal setting!? Today Lori goes over what it’s like to move forward with goal setting and why she always sets her goals so high. Lori drops all types of knowledge on us today on this episode! So if you want to know how to start goal setting be sure to watch this episode right now.