Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

143: 7 Baby Steps to Build Your Wealth
We are living in a much different world today. From a housing crisis, an economic crisis, to a financial crisis… and somehow we are all trying to navigate it. On today’s episode Lori shares the 7 Baby Steps to Build Your Wealth. Building your wealth is not about becoming wealthy, it is about how to set yourself up for success. Tune in to hear what those 7 steps are that could possibly change your future.

142: Hyper Local Market Analysis for LA County
Today on Real Estate with Soul, Lori dives in and shares a hyper local market analysis of LA County. The market is still pretty crazy but what might that mean for you or anyone living or wanting to live in LA County. Even if you're not planning to live anywhere near LA, Lori also shares a couple key takeaways for anyone trying to figure out their way in today’s crazy real estate market. Tune into the full episode!

141: 4 Seller Strategies For The Market Today
Today on the Real Estate with Soul, the Podcast, Lori is sharing her 4 seller strategies for today's real estate Market. These 4 strategies: Traditional Seller, Market Ready Home Financing, Snap Offer, One Day Home Sale and Buy First and then Sell, are strategies that can help any seller join the market today. These are just basic seller strategies but they mean any sell has options! Tune into the podcast to hear more

140: Buying & Selling With A Dave Ramsey ELP
Dave Ramsey is not something new around here! Lori has talked about it numerous times and we will have a few of those podcast episodes linked. Today on the podcast, Lori Alvarez shares her thoughts and knowledge of buying and selling with a Dave Ramsey ELP (endorsed local provider) and why it is such an amazing way to achieve your real estate goals EVEN in today’s crazy real estate market. The market seems impossible, but working with the right team makes it possible. So what does it mean to buy and sell with an ELP.. tune in to today’s episode to hear what that means!

139: A Real Estate Agent, A Coach and a Boxing Ring With Eric Garcia
DING DING DING! What about boxing can you use outside the boxing ring? It is no secret Lori loves to box so naturally we have to have one of her boxing coaches in on the podcast. Today we get to hear Eric Garcia share his knowledge and expertise on boxing and how it has shaped his life and others. It is inspiring to hear his personal story and what he has learned in and out of the ring. Tune in to hear it all!

108: Moving Forward. Think Big. Set Goals.
Have you ever wondered about why you should set goals and why people are so adamant about goal setting!? Today Lori goes over what it’s like to move forward with goal setting and why she always sets her goals so high. Lori drops all types of knowledge on us today on this episode! So if you want to know how to start goal setting be sure to watch this episode right now.