Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

106: Is The Price Right
Well… This may not be a show where you win lots of money… but hear this out because today’s episode talks ALL about that money…
Have you ever wondered about why pricing is so important. Today Lori & Amy go over all about pricing, pricing and more pricing wanna know why?! WELL BECAUSE OF THE CURRENT MARKET WE'RE IN!!! If you wanna learn more about why you might need to adjust your price listen to this podcast we go over all that and more.

102: Home Buying & Investing Young
Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to buy a house on your own in your 20s? This is the podcast for you! Today we go over all things about buying a house and how to use it as an asset. Lori & Amy both go into depth about when they bought their first home and some changes they would make if they were to do it all over again. Amy & Lori say big changes could be for the better so don’t be scared to take that chance.