Real Estate With Soul, The Podcast

108: Moving Forward. Think Big. Set Goals.
Have you ever wondered about why you should set goals and why people are so adamant about goal setting!? Today Lori goes over what it’s like to move forward with goal setting and why she always sets her goals so high. Lori drops all types of knowledge on us today on this episode! So if you want to know how to start goal setting be sure to watch this episode right now.

107: Mortgage Deferment: Know your options
“Mortgage relief? Debt forgiveness What are my options?? “
Have you ever wondered about what deferment is and what it does!? Today we have Hasina, one of our ROCKSTAR AGENTS, go over what it’s like to move forward with a deferment. Hasina drops all types of knowledge on us today on this episode so if you want to know the ins and outs listen to this podcast RIGHT NOW

106: Is The Price Right
Well… This may not be a show where you win lots of money… but hear this out because today’s episode talks ALL about that money…
Have you ever wondered about why pricing is so important. Today Lori & Amy go over all about pricing, pricing and more pricing wanna know why?! WELL BECAUSE OF THE CURRENT MARKET WE'RE IN!!! If you wanna learn more about why you might need to adjust your price listen to this podcast we go over all that and more.

104: Having Buyer Or Seller Remorse
Have you ever heard about buyer's remorse or seller's remorse?! Do you know what it is or do you want to know! Well, today we’re diving in and talking about how not to get sellers or buyer's remorse and some steps you can take from stressing yourself out. Lori & Amy both go into depth about when they bought their home and some of the remorse they may or may not have had after acquiring their property.

101: Next Big Step: Starting College?
Have you ever wanted to know what it’s like to graduate from high school and transition into college? That’s a BIG step right?? Well if so… This is the podcast for you! Today we have Jordyn Stotts on the podcast talking about starting your first day of college and what it’s like. Jordyn talks about how she is a hands on person with work and how she wants to pursue crime investigation because of it. Jordyn is a rockstar women that rock and rolls her goals. What is your next BIG step?? Is it starting college? Or is it moving out of state?? Or is it buying your first home?? Tune in today!

100: Taking A Leap of Faith
Have you ever wanted to take on a leadership role or do you need help with change? Well then this is the podcast JUST for you! Today, we have Mr. Jude Charles on the podcast talking about all things change and taking up the leadership role. Jude talks about how his high school teacher launched him into his goals by buying him his first set of business cards! Have you ever had someone in your life that has catapulted you into something that has completely been life changing?? Listen in to hear how Jude’s life was changed!
Mr. Jude says don’t be afraid to share your story and don’t discount your story, when you share your story you can give people courage to achieve their dreams/goals.

099: 1…2… and Take Action with Jude Charles!
Have you ever wanted to take on a leadership role or do you need help with change? Well then this is the podcast JUST for you! Today, we have Mr. Jude Charles on the podcast talking about all things change and taking up the leadership role. Jude talks about how his high school teacher launched him into his goals by buying him his first set of business cards! Have you ever had someone in your life that has catapulted you into something that has completely been life changing?? Listen in to hear how Jude’s life was changed!
Mr. Jude says don’t be afraid to share your story and don’t discount your story, when you share your story you can give people courage to achieve their dreams/goals.